You still have enormous amount to learn. Offering advice is presemptuous unless one is asked for their opinion. Indeed, until the day/night we all return to dust we all have much to learn.
"traumatic as the initial transition may be, it can lead to the development of a truly personal relationship with these two greatest friends [the father and the son] .
.. "whatever sense of 'belonging' that membership in some religious system may create, it can never compare with the power and beauty and strengthening benefit of the intimate personal relationship the scripture presents .
from reading joseph campbell i've come to understand that there are functions to religion or mythology.
You still have enormous amount to learn. Offering advice is presemptuous unless one is asked for their opinion. Indeed, until the day/night we all return to dust we all have much to learn.
"traumatic as the initial transition may be, it can lead to the development of a truly personal relationship with these two greatest friends [the father and the son] .
.. "whatever sense of 'belonging' that membership in some religious system may create, it can never compare with the power and beauty and strengthening benefit of the intimate personal relationship the scripture presents .
from reading joseph campbell i've come to understand that there are functions to religion or mythology.
Is it possible that you did choose chocolate over vanilla and it's as simple as that?
Okay, I gotta get outta here. I've got real stuff to do back in reality. . . . smh . . . .
"traumatic as the initial transition may be, it can lead to the development of a truly personal relationship with these two greatest friends [the father and the son] .
.. "whatever sense of 'belonging' that membership in some religious system may create, it can never compare with the power and beauty and strengthening benefit of the intimate personal relationship the scripture presents .
from reading joseph campbell i've come to understand that there are functions to religion or mythology.
Chocolate or vanilla ice cream? I like chocolate ice cream more than vanilla. I don't CHOOSE to like chocolate more than vanilla; as far as I'm concerned CHOCOLATE IS BETTER THAN VANILLA.
I choose to believe that this is one of the stupidest threads ever.
the moment i saw the "request a study" form on the site, i thought, "umm, that could be a bad thing.".
but to date, i have heard of only one case where it was used for less than genuine purposes.
that was in the case of a "game developer" who was selling crappy asset-flips on steam.
I love how when you select the "Organized" book on the Borg website, the warning pops up
This is an internal publication, provided solely for use by congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, and is not intended for public distribution.
That should stop unauthorized persons dead in their tracks. No pandas for you!
in conversation with an old jw friend today, it struck me that most jws have replaced their personal conscience with a collective one.. instead of training their own mental powers to distinguish right from wrong, as the bible encourages, they are content to shift personal accountability away from themselves and onto the impersonal org.
whatever behaviour may prompt an ordinary person to have serious misgivings ( such as ignoring glaring misapplication of scripture or rejecting basic human decency in favour of unchristian shunning ) they prefer to have those decisions made for them.. history teaches us, however, that there is no absolution for people who behave unethically or cruelly by allowing the excuse of 'obeying orders' to override what their inner voice should scream is inherently wrong..
I would call it more of an "institutionalized" version of conscience. I'm not entirely against the idea of a collective conscience, e.g., social mores.
But no, there is no such thing as a personal conscience in JW Land. Even when in, I had a hard time trying to figure why there was such a thing as a "conscience matter" (probably because it's cultspeak).
i gathered the data for the memorial partakers every year since 1935 (the first year they had data) until now.. the latest figures haven't been that high since 1954!.
this stat looks very bad in watchtower land because the decreasing # of partakers was given, for decades, as proof that the end was near!.
Could the "earthly hope" be losing its draw for some subconsciously. -- GAYLE
I think this is absolutely true.
The advantage mainstream Christian religions have is that you can't prove that no one has ever gone to heaven (I know this is really poor reasoning, i.e. you can't prove a negative anyway, but you'll see where I'm going. . . ). Maybe aunt Doris is in Heaven, maybe she isn't; you prove to me she isn't, I think she is.
However, the idea of aunt Doris being alive in an earthly paradise is demonstrably false, by the the fact that there is no earthly paradise or resurrected aunt Doris.
You can only string people along so far on the "earthly paradise" thing. The heavenly, spiritual afterlife concept is harder to prove/disprove (to people who want to believe in an afterlife).
wife and i have watched the whole series and just finished episode 7 last night.
personally, i am seeing a great deal more subtle and day to day similarities to watchtower than the obvious ones i already knew existed, ie shunning.
very eye opening and heartbreaking, even more so than going clear in my mind.
I have not recommended it to anyone (yet) but I think they would become EXTREMELY uncomfortable with the topic of shunning family members.
Not only does it hit close to home, but for every person who has appeared on the show, it is the single most damaging aspect of the cult.
after much research and prayer i am returning to being a jehovah's witness i can find nothing that eliminates them from being god's directed people , in the end they will reach the end of there journey despite mistakes and errors just like the israelites entered the promised land , thanks for your input and all the best on your personal journey ☺.
I can find nothing that eliminates them from being God's directed people
This is absolutely true, since there is no such thing as legitimate criticism of a cult when you're in.
i saw this on reddit:.
overall the numbers are better than last year (1.8% growth compared to 1.5% last year -- as i predicted ;-) ) with an increase in all major figures including 1300 more congregations (i assume this is not physical kingdom halls?).
The org took a hit in two years following the '75 fiasco
The USA saw a 3% decrease in 1977 and another 3% decrease in 1978
Ah, so it is the worst since the '75 debacle. . . . . I'll take it!
i saw this on reddit:.
overall the numbers are better than last year (1.8% growth compared to 1.5% last year -- as i predicted ;-) ) with an increase in all major figures including 1300 more congregations (i assume this is not physical kingdom halls?).
Looks like 0% growth for the USA. I believe this is a first!